How to Win With Strategic Digital Marketing: Strategies for Success — Part 1

Digital strategies for engaging the provider community are powerful when deployed effectively by marketers. Email is the single most effective communication tool allowing strategic marketers to convey their brand, build trust, and drive engagement with the healthcare provider community.

In this 2-part series, we will delve into the essential elements required to thrive in the email healthcare marketing space, and cover key strategies, ways to enhance email metrics, best practices and content ideas.


Must-Dos for Success

To achieve success in email healthcare marketing, you must lay a solid foundation. Here are the “must-dos” to get you started:

1. Start with Quality Data

A successful email marketing campaign begins with a clean and segmented data list. Ensure that your list consists of individuals who have willingly opted in to receive emails from you, and segment them based on their demographics, preferences and behaviors. This helps you deliver highly targeted content.

2. Comply with Regulatory Requirements

Given the sensitive nature of healthcare information, it’s crucial to comply with anti-spam and data privacy laws, such as CAN-SPAM, GDPR, CCPA and any rules from medical boards. Compliance is an absolute must.

3. Mobile Optimization

Many people access their emails on mobile devices, so your emails must be mobile-friendly. Use responsive design and ensure that your emails are easily readable on smaller screens.

4. Craft Compelling Subject Lines

The subject line is the first thing recipients see, so make it attention-grabbing and relevant to your healthcare content. Avoid clickbait tactics and focus on delivering value or addressing healthcare provider concerns in your subject lines.

5. A/B Testing

Continuously optimize your email campaigns by conducting A/B tests. Experiment with different subject lines, email content, visuals and calls to action to discover what resonates best with your audience.


Looking for more valuable insights and guidance on enhancing your digital marketing strategy? Click here to continue reading more about strategies for success.