A or B? Putting Healthcare Marketing Emails to Test

Do you wish there was a crystal ball that could help you predict the success of the open, click-through, and conversion rates of your next email campaign? How about an eyewitness who could sit with each of your targets and report back on what they liked … and didn’t?

That’s where A/B testing comes in

Whether you’re looking to target hospitals or healthcare professionals, A/B testing can reveal what’s working and not working in your current campaign. You can then act on those insights and modify your campaign (as needed), and also use them to inform your email campaigns in the future. Key benefits include:

  • Higher engagement

  • Stronger conversions

  • Increased ROI

  • Maximized email marketing spend

Here are 3 helpful ways you can put A/B testing to work for you:

1. Change the subject

By A/B testing different subject lines, you can determine which ones are getting higher open rates — and then modify or remove the ones that aren’t.

2. Get personal

Testing personalized messaging that is segmented by specialty, interests, location, etc. vs. generic “one-size-fits-all" content can improve your open and click-through rates.

3. See what sticks

Testing different email content, layouts, offers and calls to action can help you optimize engagement and conversion by revealing what resonates most with your audience.

Is A/B testing risky?

With a split test group, there is little risk in trying variations to see what email components and messages work best. Your "control" group will mitigate potential downsides, so you can test with peace of mind.

How often should you A/B test?

Regular A/B testing can lead to improved results over time as you fine-tune elements that resonate with your healthcare marketing audience. The more often you test, the better.

MMS has you covered From A/B subject line testing to sophisticated multivariate testing techniques, MMS will help you efficiently select the variables — subject line approach, wording, and length; offer details; visual; color scheme — that move the needle for you on opens, clicks, page views and conversions.

Contact us today to get started.